

Defining a progressive approach: responsible innovation and pro-innovation rules

Inclusion, sustainability, social justice, innovation, global competitiveness and governance are central to the Von der Leyen’s Commission and present a set of interlocked and systemic challenges that need to be addressed. As the EU institutions are working to make Europe more green, digital and self-reliant, tackling these issues demand a different approach to regulation.

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Political agreement reached on the Directive on Representative Actions

Following the political agreement between the co-legislators, the Council endorsed on June 30th a provisional agreement on EU-wide rules for the protection of collective interest of consumers.

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Joint Business Statement on the Directive on Representative Actions

The European Justice Forum joins almost 20 business associations and federations in signing a joint business statement on the Directive on Representative Actions (Collective Redress). As the representatives of Europe’s business community, we wish to caution EU Member State governments and the European Parliament against rushing to conclude trilogue negotiations on the representative actions proposal and urge them to take due time to consider the complex issues still unresolved. EJF commits to continue contributing constructively to the discussions as necessary to achieve a balanced, fair, harmonized and effective EU justice system.

Please find the full statement here.

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EJF calls on policymakers to strengthen safeguards for litigation funding in the Directive on Representative actions

Funding of collective litigation can come from Member States, e.g. by legal aid as in the UK during the 1990ies, or as in Germany today by providing budget to the German federal Consumer Protection Organization “vzbv”, or it can come from private initiatives and private investors.

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Trilogue on Representative Actions - EJF issued Position Paper

The European Justice Forum is pleased to share its position paper, highlighting the core issues that will bring clearer finality, greater efficiency and transparency to the proposal for a Directive on Representative actions.

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European Parliament vetted Didier Reynders – candidate for the post of Justice Commissioner

On the 2nd of October, the committees for Legal Affairs and for Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs held jointly, in association with the Internal Market and Consumer Protection committee, the hearing of Didier Reynders, Commissioner-Designate for Justice.

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Von der Leyen unveils the structure of the new European Commission

The European Justice Forum (EJF) welcomes the nomination of Commissioner Didier Reynders and Vice-President Jourová responsible for legal affairs under the new European Commission. EJF is looking forward to an engaging dialogue with the Commissioners, Directorate Generals and Commission’s officials.

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